Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Danielle M's UFOs & Plan of Attack

I have 14 projects on the needles right now. First up, will be to finish a pair of socks that I've started a couple of times. Next, I may try to finish up my Civil War Shawl. This one is less than half done, so if I finish it, I will be amazed! In August of 2006, I worked on my UFOs and finished nearly every one! This time, my UFOs are in a lesser state of completion, so I doubt that I will get everything done, but we'll see. If I work on finishing the pairs of socks that are started, I have a better chance of cleaning up more projects.
Danielle M

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I got as far as buying the Civil War Shawl pattern . . . .